

Picture and obituary of Dr. Frank Shannon, Innisfil Officer of Health from 1935 Medical Doctors Shannon, Dr. Frank, IHS3016
Obituary - Alexander Redfern
Obituary notice of Alexander Redfern. Death occurred Jan.9, 1921 Redfern, Alexander, IHS3107
Obituary - Bruce Cowan
Newspaper (Barrie Examiner) report of the death of Bruce Cowan Social Events - funeral Cowan, Bruce, IHS3192
Obituary - Mrs. John Cowan
Death notice and obituary of Mrs. John Cowan nee Mary Jane Barclay Social Events - funeral Barclay, Mary Jane Cowan, Mrs. John, IHS3189
Obituary - Thomas S. Reid
Obituary of Thomas S. Reid on June 5, 1940 Social Events - Funeral Reid, Thomas S., IHS3108
Obituary For R. G. Mccraw, Postmaster Of Craigvale
Obituary from an 1897 newspaper for the former Postmaster of Craigvale, Mr. Robert Gordon McCraw, who had served in the position for forty years. The text of the article, which also features a photograph of Mr. McGraw with a white beard, reads: "Death removed one of the oldest, best known and most highly respected residents of Innisfil on Friday evening, when R.G. McCraw, postmaster at Craigvale, passed away. His illness lasted but eight days and the news of its fatal termination came as a sad shock to his friends for few were aware of the serious nature of his illness. On Thursday, April 16, he had a very severe hemorrhage of the stomach, and this was followed by other attacks that his constitution was unable to withstand. Gastric ulcers is given as the cause of death. During his illness he did not suffer and his end was a peaceful one. Robert Gordon McCraw was born in Edinburgh, Scotland Feb. 1 1837, and came to Canada in 1857. After working at his trade for a time in Toronto and Bolton, he removed to Innisfil and in 1864 began business as merchant tailor in Craigvale. Some forty years ago he was appointed postmaster and later gave up the tailoring and conducted a small general store. Though Mr. McCraw was a staunch Liberal in politics, there never was any attempt made in that strongly Conservative section to have him dismissed when the Conservatives were in power. Mr. McCraw came of good old Scotch Presbyterian stock. His father, John McCraw, was an elder for many years in Rev. Dr. Guthrie's church, Edinburgh, and when the son left home he carried from that celebrated divine a letter to ministers in Canada. With such training it was natural that he should clearly identify himself with ... [text missing] In 1864 he was married to Eliza Jane Sutherland of Cookstown, who survives him with two daughters and six sons, as follows: Mrs. James Johnston of Thornton and Miss Eda; John General Agent of the Central Vermont Ry [Railway] at New London, Conn.; Robert G., Grand Trunk Agent at Linday; Thomas G., Buffalo, lately with G.T.R.; Geo. G., Chie[f] Clerk in G.T.R. offices at Niagara Falls; D. Frederick, passenger yardmaster for G.T.R. at Toronto, and Maurice at home. William was killed in an accident on the C.P.R. in 1901. Two brothers and a sister of deceased are yet living, viz., George of Edinburgh, Maurice of Dunedin, New Zealand, and Mrs. Elder of Melbourne, Australia. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon to the Sixth Line Cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. G. I. Craw, assisted by Rev. L. McLean and Rev. R.B. Beynon. Mr. Craw preached from I John 3:3. The church was draped in black. Masonic services were conducted by Minerva Lodge assisted by brethren from Alliston, Cookstown, Bradford, Barrie, Landsdowne, and Cataraqui lodges. Those who bore the pall were E.T. McConkey, J.F. Ardill, Samuel Maneer, James Black, Wm. Latimer and W.J. Latimer. Among the floral tributes were: Square and compass, Minerva Lodge; wreath, L.O.L. No. 605; pillow, Craigvale Church friends; wreath, Union Station officials, Toronto.", IHS1471
Obituary Of William M. Clark
Newspaper clipping of the obituary of William M. Clark (1842-1914). Mr. Clark was the father of Mrs. Bert Marquis of RR 1, Lefroy, the grandfather of Jack Marquis, the husband of Philadelphia McConkey, born in Innisfil., IHS1630
Obituary Philadelphia Clark
Newspaper clipping of Obituary, Philadelphia Clark (1844-1878), she was born in Innisfil May 9, 1844, second daughter of James McConkey. She married William M. Clark, April 7, 1864, and she was the mother of Mrs. Bert Marquis of Lefroy RR 1, grandmother of Jack Marquis of Stroud. Mrs. Clark died on March 4, 1878. The second page of the Obituary is on file at the Knock Heritage Site., IHS1631
Obituary William James Cowan
Obituary of William James Cowan Death notice of Mary Isabella Boyes, wife of W.J. Cowan Social events - funeral Mary Isabella Boyes Cowan William James Cowan, IHS3184
Obituary of Dwight Rogerson
Obituary of Dwight Rogerson, son of Richard Rogerson and Cassie Willson, husband of Maude Reive, and father of Gordon (died in 1942), Kathleen (married to Robert Pickering), and Douglas., IHS2270
Obituary-John Leonard
Obituary - John Leonard - buried in St. Paul's Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site #3288
Official Board, Methodist Church
Minutes of the Quarterly Meetings of the Official Board of the Innisfil Circuit of the Methodist Church - 1911 - 1925, IHS2871
Official Opening Of Town Hall
Program for official opening of Town Hall. Town Officials names on back page of program. Further information is available at Knock Heritage Site., IHS4211
Official Opening The Innisfil Recreation Complex and Ymca
Scan of the programme of the Official Opening of Innisfil Recreation Complex and YMCA on 21 November 2008. The programme features a blue theme with a photo of the exterior of the recreational building surrounded by fireworks on the front. The back lists the Town council members, senior management, Innisfil Hydro Distributions Management, South Simcoe Police Service, YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, project management, contractor, architects, and special thanks.
Orchard, Hattie
Newspaper Clipping on early days around Stroud (A paper read by Miss Orchard to Stroud Women's Institute. Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3326
Orchard, Lavinia And Harriet
Lavinia and Harriet Orchard lived in Orchard residence - Stroud Harriet died in same bed and in the same room in which she was born 84 years before according to this article in paper - Ripley's believe it or not Orchard, Harriet Orchard, Lavinia, IHS3382-88B
Painswick Yesterday And To-Day
Newspaper clipping -"Painswick: Yesterday and To-day photograper of bottom picture Mrs. Jean Saunter nee Hubert., IHS2797
Park - Bell Ewart Plaques
Programme for unveiling 2 Historic Plaques at Bell Ewart Park and background material for the Bell Ewart Plaque and the Steamer "Emily May" Plaque Emily May Bell Ewart Parks - Bell Ewart, IHS3994
Minutes of the Books Parks - Lloyd George Lefroy Rink Lefroy Welfare Committee, IHS4138
Parks-Lloyd George
(A) Letter re adjustment for entrance to Lloyd George Park, Lefroy, On. East of R.R. Tracks in Village of Lefroy. Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site # 3905 A
Patrons Of Industry
Patrons of Industry of North America Song Sheet Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3089
Peacock Family Reunion 1937
A clipping in the Barrie Examiner regarding the Peacock Family Reunion in 1937. PEACOCK, IHS2482
Photographers-J.F. Jackson
Receipt for $5.00 for photos from J.F. Jackston Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3091
Poem By Ty Colyn
Poem by Ty Colyn, Southsea, Wraxham: refers to visit of B.F. Quantz of Innisfil to Wales., IHS2853
Poetry By B. F. Quantz
Poetry by B.F. Quantz, on 11th Line of Inisfil. Refers to the farm on Lot 12, Con.11., IHS2851
Police Administration Building
Copy of the souvenir programme of the official opening of the Innisfil Township Police Administration Building on 24 November 1979. The cover itself depicts a sketch of the building and was printed on yellow paper. The programme contains a brief history of the police force in the area as well as a list of members current at the time., IHS2865
Postal Service
Notice of shipping of one dozen champion Knife Grinding Machines by N. Ry. to Craigvale from The Sickle Grinding Machine Company of Toronto Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3105
Postal Service Rural Mail Contracts
Mail contracts 1958 and 1962 between Canadian Postal Service and Mrs. Irene Willoughby including a bond. Plan of a Mail Railway Car used for receiving and sorting mail 5 Pages. Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3975
Postal Service-Wm. Cowan
Envelope addressed to Wm. Cowan, Thornton Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3159
